Saturday, 19 October 2013


Cassava, also called manioc, yuca, balinghoy, mogo, mandioca, kamoteng kahoy, tapioca-root and manioc root, a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family native to South America, is extensively cultivated.
When i was a child I remember that my mom always making cassava in the form of cakes or simply boiled. But surely it was different to the current situation (",). Otherwise , sometimes in the morning my mom would boil it for us and its delicious eaten with coffee, Nescafe, teh tarik or whatever your favorite beverage. My mom say that breakfast with cassava same like you eat the fried rice and provide energy very well, i miss those days, because I live dozens of miles from them because of my work. When i leave and back to my hometown I will not miss the opportunity to dig this cassava and try to find breakfast the next morning. While enjoying breakfast the memories of the past appear,
the atmosphere in the morning more fun and joy ... (",) ... phewww

For more info about ;
Nutrition Facts
Cassava, raw
Click : USDA

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Maggi Mee

Most of us say that if you eat maggi all days your hair will started falling and your hair will thin. If you hair natural thin  due to heredity, then the impact from that too much. Then we headacne and think is it possible will growing again about our hair.

But whatever this issue always people say, all of them was covered with hunger, the most maggi i like to eat is called "maggi asam laksa". Sometimes i eat once in a week, or two times or three times, depend my mood on that time. You only prepare a few minutes to cook. So that is the point i think, quick, simple and delicious ... heheheee ... 

But you have to think by yourself because if always take and eat, you are old enough to think about it .. phewww ... This time i wrote this article, 'Maggi Asam Laksa' beside me ... heheee ... slurppp !

Last but not least this story about maggi.
Maggi is a Nestlé brand of instant soups, stocks, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasonings and instant noodles. wikipedia

My Favourite Maggi / What is yours ?
Maggi Asam Laksa
 If i have time the next page i will find the best recipes with maggi asam laksa ... bye!